According to David Kolb*, learning is the process through which knowledge is gained through experience. He believes that adult learning is cyclical and that each of 4 processes needs to take place in order for learning to occur. Adults have different approaches to and aptitudes for learning,  based on where they are in the experiential learning cycle.

  1. Stage 1
    Description: Concrete experience; feelings 

    • Full involvement in new here-and-now experiences.
    • Learning from specific experiences and relating to other people provide a basis for Stage 2…


  2. Stage 2
    Description: Reflective observation; watching

    • Viewing the situation from different perspectives to make meaning that can be assimilated & distilled into Stage 3…


  3. Stage 3
    Description: Abstract conceptualization; thinking 

    • Logical analysis of the situation produces generalizations and the evolution of abstract concepts or theories which allow for Stage 4…


  4. Stage 4
    Description: Active Experimentation; doing

    • Testing implications of new concepts in new situations.
    • Using these theories to make decisions & solve problems which opens the door for influencing others and events.